Dear editor,
My name is Craig Marshall. I am the superintendent of Burlington USD 244. I wanted to write this letter in support of the Iola USD 257 bond issue coming up on April 2.
I have become very knowledgeable of USD 257 over the past two years while serving as chairperson of the KESA (Kansas Education Systems Accreditation) team. We meet yearly to discuss the district, areas of improvement, challenges in education, celebrations of the great things that are happening in Iola, and anything else related to education. I have found that the staff in Iola is very committed to an excellent educational experience for all students so they can be successful citizens in the future. The district is focusing on a number of different areas like child nutrition, wellness, social/emotional health, family engagement, curriculum alignment, internships, and other areas too numerous to mention. Education is so challenging in 2019, and the district is working hard to meet the needs of your community.
The upcoming bond issue for your district is of vital importance. The direction USD 257 has taken makes sense addressing the elementary complex for better facilities so the younger kids have a terrific place to attend school and get off to a great start with their educational experience. The cost effectiveness also makes sense as you will replace older buildings with a much newer and more modern facility that will be energy efficient and save the district with utilities and repairs.
Improved school facilities will be a great recruiting tool for teachers and economic development in your community. The competition for teachers nationwide is at an all-time high. Providing your teachers a great place to teach and students a great place to learn is so important for your community. Possible economic development in Iola may depend on the facilities you have to show potential businesses a reason to invest in the community.
In closing, I have been very impressed with the thought and collaboration that has taken place by USD 257 in planning for this bond issue. The need is there for Your Kids, Your Schools, and Your Future.
Craig Marshall,
USD 244 Burlington
KESA Chairperson for
Iola Public Schools