Letter to the editor — May 27, 2016

To the editor:

Sometime during 2009 a “group” of two began the job of proposing a change in Iola’s governing body to eight plus a mayor. 

It was an arduous journey. The effort was inspired by a proposal to establish a five-member commission. We (the two of us) agreed with the concept of more making decisions and more representation in a ward. We didn’t feel that five was a sufficient change. Two for a ward gave much improved representation. We wanted an eight-member council plus a mayor. 

It took many meetings. Much advertising. Formation of a citizens committee. 

Among other changes the committee determined that it was best to have an unpaid council and an unpaid mayor. Reason? There would be a citizens’ vote. We did not want a salary to have any part of consideration for a vote. 

But now is the time. An editorial brought it to light. Susan Lynn reported a review of 50 cities across the state with an average payment of $132.12 a month “with a tad more for the mayor.” Assuming that the average included a few cities that paid no salary for a council or mayor, why not consider a monthly payment of $250 for council members and set the “tad” at $300 for the mayor. 

Anyway, since the origin was by public change, this change should come to a public vote. 

I vote “aye.”

Ray Shannon


Iola, Kan.
