I do not agree with Jacki Chase.
I would like to speak for whom I believe to be the silent majority.
If memory serves me right, this whole issue was addressed several months ago. The voters were asked to decide whether they wanted to have a five-member council or a nine-member council. The majority voted for a nine-member council.
Now it appears that the minority believe that if they complain and hound the council long and loud enough, that they can get the councilpersons themselves to overturn what the majority of voters voted to have from the election in the first place.
I would hope that our elected officials will stand up for what the majority voted for. Please do not overturn what was voted in, just to appease those in the minority that are more vocal because they didn’t get the vote to go their way.
If our vote is overturned, I will lose more faith in the way our government is supposed to work. Why should we vote, then have the majority vote overturned because the minority complained about the outcome?
A concerned citizen that did vote.
Larry Richards,
Iola, Kan.