Letter to the editor — March 6, 2019

Dear editor,

From my experience of being a former Army wife, I have found out that the government doesn’t give the help our service men and women need after deployments.  

When my ex-husband and I were stationed at Fort Riley, all over the post you would see service members abusing their spouses and the MP’s were being called constantly.  I also noticed while walking my son to school on Post that their were several Army spouses who had bruises all over them, just as I did.  

I’ve noticed in the military that after long deployments, that instead of getting the soldiers help for PTSD, they send them right back to war without any help. Which is a very bad situation since they usually spend a long time at war and then come back all messed up.

So instead of focusing on the border wall, I think the government should be more concerned about our own service members. 

Yes, I agree that we have a major problem with illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. But I would rather see that happen than to see another military spouse get abused as badly as I and the other women that I saw were.  

There are many things that we can do for the illegal immigrants, such as not let them be able to get any kind of government benefits and such, but as for our own service members we definitely need to focus on their well-being instead of trying to build a border wall that probably won’t make a difference anyways.

Thank you,

Angela D. Stanley

Iola, Kan.
