Letter to the editor — March 5, 2019

Few people would disagree that learning to read is important, but just how important is it? Research shows that children who don’t read at grade level by the time they enter fourth grade are four times less likely to graduate from high school and two-thirds more likely to end up in poverty or jail. With 63 percent of Kansas fourth-graders not reading at grade level, our state’s future economic viability is at risk.

There’s a direct connection between children’s literacy, graduation rates and health outcomes. Lower education levels result in lower socioeconomic status, which means increased levels of tobacco use, higher obesity rates and lack of health insurance coverage. 

That’s why the Kansas Health Foundation recently launched Can’t Wait to Read, a statewide campaign which encourages parents and caregivers to read as early and as often as they can to their children.

This messaging — which is in English and Spanish — is being displayed on TV spots, billboards, radio and social media messages, and will direct parents and caregivers to ReadWithThem.org.

This mobile-friendly site allows visitors to sign up for 28 days of texts featuring free tips, resources and information about other organizations that can help their kids learn.

It takes only a few minutes out of your busy day to set your children on a path to reading success — in their classes and beyond. They just Can’t Wait to Read.

Share ReadWithThem.org with someone you know today.

Steve Coen,

President and CEO,

Kansas Health Foundation
