Letter to the editor — January 16, 2019

As a community, we’re in the midst of a transition.

Our economy is changing, in impressive and positive ways. The bedrocks of our local economy are agriculture, natural resources, and industry, but now tourism, especially outdoor recreation, is beginning to grow in importance.

On nearly any random weekend, the trailhead parking lots in Allen County will contain cars with out-of-county and out-of-state tags. It’s no longer a novelty to see vehicles in Iola with bikes on racks or kayaks strapped to the roof, driving around town or parked at restaurants or shops or hotels.

The local bike and outdoor shop bustles with activity, and hosts weekly rides, classes, and social events.

People are beginning to visit Allen County, and that’s a great foundation to build on.

But it could be so much more.

In Kansas as a whole, tourism is the third-largest industry in the state, but Allen County really hasn’t had much of a share in that.

But now, after a decade of investments (most of which came from outside Allen County), we have a trail system that’s the envy of every other rural county in the state. We’re building a reputation.

Borrowing the name of the old highway route that ran through Humboldt and Iola, Allen County has become known as the “King of Trails.”

But our self-image hasn’t caught up with our reputation. We still don’t see ourselves as a “tourist attraction,” or even a place that people would want to visit.

Look at AllenCounty.org:

“Tourism” is right there on the top menu, but the information someone gets when they click that link is, to say the least, extremely limited. Over 12 million people live within 250 miles of Allen County, a perfectly reasonable distance for a weekend getaway.

But we’re not making much of an effort to reach those people. Allen County does not have a comprehensive tourism website, nor a paper brochure people can pick up at state tourism offices, not even a tourism presence on social media.

We do not do a good job of promoting ourselves. We must do better. We deserve better.

The “Visit Allen County” initiative aims to do just that, by getting the word out about what we have to offer, by highlighting all of the wonderful things we have to see, do, and experience. It will put out the welcome mat, and insure that we make a great impression when people do come to visit.

Allen County government has a responsibility to support and encourage economic development, and if Allen County wants to take advantage of our growing reputation for outdoor recreation excellence, and build on our tourism potential, we need to invest in ourselves, and promote ourselves.
