Letter to the editor — March 26, 2014

Dear editor,
I woke up during the night with a burden on my heart that no one was making homosexuals and other sinners aware where they would spend eternity.
I have been reading and everyone has their opinion about homosexuality. It came to me that the only one that matters is what God says about this.
Now I’m not a Bible scholar just an average reader. I would like to share what God has to say about this.
Read the following: Leviticus 12:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:28-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-20, 1 Timothy 1:9 and 10, Revelation 9:21 and 21:8.
Actually, the Bible says we are sinners and fall short of God’s glory.
I’m thankful for the people in my life that told me I was a sinner, that I must repent and trust Jesus Christ as my savior. God desires our obedience to his word. God does love everyone but not everything we do. He is the final judge. If this reminder saves one soul I will be most happy.
Jay Thyer,
Iola, Kan.
