Letter to the editor — October 2, 2018

Dear editor,
The Farm City Days Committee has denied Kris Kobach’s request to be in their parade as long as he is in my Jeep with a replica gun on it, no it’s not even a real gun.

They will allow Kris in my jeep in the parade if I remove the replica gun.

So what this becomes is a 2nd Amendment issue.

Kris and myself have done dozens of parades and my estimate is that well over a hundred thousand people, including men, women and children, have given thumbs up, waves, smiles, and cheers. Kids absolutely love it.

I would estimate five hundred, less than a hundred men and not one kid, have turned their backs on us, given thumbs down, given me the finger, or yelled at us.

As Kris and I have noticed, half of these people aren’t protesting the gun, but the bobble head Trump I have as a hood ornament.

I would guess that several thousand people have asked, and been allowed to take pictures with my jeep, including reporters and other media personalities.

It seems a shame that a few people on the FCD’s committee are denying my hometown to see my jeep with its replica gun in Iola’s parade. Not one other town has denied their citizens a chance to make up their own minds whether they like or hate the jeep, the gun, the Trump bobble head, Kris, or even myself.

These eight people have taken it upon themselves to make sure you don’t get to see it in the parade, they deemed the gun inappropriate.

They said “we wouldn’t allow any other group a venue to promote their political positions.” Yet they allow politicians in this parade.

So now we come to the heart of the matter.

It was also said by one of the committeemen, “You should know by now that my dignity and actions are not based on who supports me or my affiliations.” So he pushes his dignity on to you. The truth is he doesn’t like guns or the Second Amendment so therefor nobody else can make up their own minds, they’re doing it for you.

I built this jeep as a statement piece, a bold statement. It states my commitment to stand up for my rights, particularly the Second Amendment, and my freedoms in this country. It’s replica flag wrap states my love for this country.

The FCD’s committee doesn’t see it that way so nobody else should see it.

This my friends is a shame.

Don Erbert,
Iola, Kan.

