Letter to the editor – March 12, 2024

Dear editor,

Thank you for your column in Saturday’s paper about immigration. 

I had a very similar discussion with a friend of  more than 30 years. We are no longer speaking, as he feels I am just too stupid to understand the situation.

I’ve told him that immigration as discussed in the U.S. is no more than a politician’s perceived view of economic disaster. The people are not the problem. It’s hype. It’s intended to make us afraid so we’ll react in a manner beneficial to the politician. 

Perhaps I am in error, but I have never had occasion to be afraid of a non-citizen. I know many and find them to be interesting and polite people.

Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Personally, I believe that quote fits this situation.

I also agree with the need for a closed campus for our schools.

Karan Bailey,

Iola, Kan.
