Letter to the editor — July 11, 2018

Dear editor,

In the letter to The Iola Register on July 3, a Ms. Anderson complained about her blood pressure.

Sorry to hear about your blood pressure, but a venomous, spiteful letter to the editor will probably not help.

I feel you insulted our paper and our friends from south of the U.S. border, not to mention other countries. This seems to be a symptom of a bigger problem facing our country. Prejudice and hatred accomplish nothing but create a cancer on our great democracy.

After reading (and rereading) your letter, I have arrived at the conclusion that you are probably not experienced with these issues. If I am wrong, please feel free to enlighten me with your “facts” and the proof behind them.

A statue of a great lady carries an inscription “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” If she can welcome our neighbors from other countries, we should as well.

Marinea Kline,

Iola, Kan.
