Dear editor:
I decided to write this letter concerning the route of the haul trucks to the Monarch Cement plant.
When you’re driving one of these trucks you are sitting high enough you can see over the dips in the road. Sitting in the average car you can not.
My safety concern is not the trucks, it is the cars and their drivers. I have stopped at the 1100 Road to turn onto it and have seen people going with their cell phones stuck in their ears, going way over the 55 mph speed limit and paying no attention to the yellow no-passing zones. If they can’t pay any attention to the road signs, don’t blame the trucks.
— Don’t text and drive.
— Don’t use phone when driving.
— Obey speed limit, which will be 45 mph when the haul trucks start using the road.
— No passing on yellow line.
Obey these simple rules and we will be safer.
Dale Wiles,
Humboldt, Kan.