Letter to the editor — June 14, 2013

Dear editor,
In 1991, a group called Friends of the Bowlus was formed as a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to solicit donations and contribute to the capital needs of the Bowlus Fine Arts Center. Today, with a membership of more than 200, the group has become the entity that supports the “bricks and mortar” of this beloved center through gifts of donations, matching gifts, lifetime trusts, life insurance, bequests, and pledged gifts.
Our most recent projects include a new auditorium sound system, stage curtains, boiler system, the band room renovation, refurbishing the Bowlus family grand piano, and the construction of the new fountain. Many of our projects are undertaken out of necessity, or in some instances, to keep the Bowlus out of a crisis situation. After nearly 50 years of use, many of our needs force us to buy new equipment because parts are no longer available for the old. Sometimes it is necessary to hire a professional to provide us with guidance and to oversee installation of new equipment.
