Dear editor,
Yes, you can legally float down three rivers in Kansas. The Kansas River, the Missouri and the Arkansas. However, that is all.
All other rivers and streams are privately owned. Landowners have control to the middle of the waterway. Permission must be obtained to use the water on that person’s side of the river. You cannot put a canoe in at Iola’s dam and go to Humboldt without the landowner’s permission. You must also have the owner’s permission to cross his land to get to the river.
The only places to fish the Neosho freely are the Neosho Falls dam, the Iola dam, Riverside Park and the Humboldt dam.
As I look back to my youth I can remember using the river from the dam to the park constantly. Or enjoying a day on Elm Creek, shale mound and Bassola Lake.
Now Bassola’s private. The county restricts Elm Creek. And the river is private except on publicly owned lands.
We wonder why kids stay inside and play?
See the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Park and Tourism website for proof.
Mike Barnes,
Iola, Kan.