Letter to the editor — October 10, 2012

Dear editor,
This letter is in response to all increases in rates and tax levies that this city, county, and school system want to impose on the citizens of Iola and Allen County. I personally will not pay them! I will move from Iola before I have one extra penny taken from my pocket! I suggest that cutting some administration positions across the board in all the areas would be more cost effective. I also suggest that you start at the top of the pay scales. I also do not believe that my tax dollar should pay the county commissioners a salary and for their health insurance.
I simply will not pay for the mistakes of the past city administrator and human resources person. We need to get the health insurance payment policy for the employees and retirees rectified before we end like the cities in California and bankrupt!
We are losing residents of this city and county daily. We have houses sitting empty and for sale signs all over this city. I keep hearing about improving this city/county, try getting a grocery store here so I don’t have to shop somewhere else to buy apples. This city/county is losing sales tax dollars daily because people cannot get what they want/need in this city/county.
Another issue is the recall of the two city commissioners. I realize that a few people did not get their way, but really I have not seen such childish, I want my own way behavior since I was at a preschool.

Darcus Kottwitz
Iola, Kan.
