Dear editor,
It seems strange to me that every time we hire a new city administrator, business for the government goes on as usual.
Not once has a “new set of eyes” stepped into that position and said, gee, maybe we’re spending too much money, or maybe we have too many employees.
The transferring of money from one department to the general fund is nothing more than an inexcusable way to spend more money than the taxes on the citizen can pay for. In other words, it’s a hidden tax. The explanation of these transfers is also a joke. Telling us $60,000 might be because things cost more than was budgeted 16 months earlier.
If cost overruns were 10 percent that means you budgeted for $600,000 worth of stuff. Makes no sense, people. Somehow, some way, the next time the city hires a new administrator we have to ask some meaningful and hard questions. And if I had my way that wouldn’t be very far in the future.
Don Erbert,
Iola, Kan.