Letter to the editor — January 17, 2012

Dear Editor,

Whether raising taxes or lowering taxes gets the desired result depends on the negative space surrounding the decision.

Like in a picture, the subject matter’s impression depends on the background around the subject. That is why history does not repeat itself exactly.

We have a recession now that some compare with the 1930s Depression. But to do that we would have to have 25 percent unemployment rather than 8 or 9 percent. And we would have to be isolationist to some degree. That is why Ron Paul’s ideas are so scary.

The Great Depression began in Europe, not the United States. It spread to us. That is why what happens in Europe is scary.

But the world background is not the same as the 1930s, so the outcome will surely be different.



Jim Brownrigg,

Iola, Kan.
