Dear editor,
Recently I’ve had a “revelation” that has blessed me and I believe I’m led by the Lord to share it.
As a victim of molestation as a 6-year-old, date rape as a young adult, verbal abuse by “loved ones,” and even now some disrespect as an 80-year-old, I know I’m not alone. To the multitudes “out there,” this message is for you.
Yes, we have to deal with ignorant people who are judgmental because each of us deals with our healing process in our own way and in our own time (not theirs.) I reached a point long ago where I wished the abusers no harm, and then later got all the toxic people out of my life. The next step is to pray for those who abused you. The final step I’ve not gotten to yet — love your enemies.
Instead of focusing on what they did to us, let’s focus on what Christ did for us. Just an idea when we are hurting and feeling a bit depressed regardless of where we are in the process.
Sharon McCauley,
Moran, Kan.