Letter to the editor – June 26, 2021

Dear editor,

Well now, we certainly don’t want to cause the alcohol guzzlers any inconvenience by forcing them to drive to another place to get more booze on Sunday morning because they went anead and drank up what they picked up the day before.

And Humboldt would probably collapse into oblivion if they didn’t have the revenue from three more hours of Sunday morning alcohol sales.

It used to be illegal to sell alcohol on Sunday. What happened to that? People keep chipping away until it is legal. And now, more chipping away until it’s legal on Sunday mornings. Why bother with alcohol restriction at all?

There’s been a public campaign for at least 20 years against smoking tobacco, because it’s been proven smoking can kill you.

Well, guess what? Alcohol can kill you and cause many, many more problems. But there’s been no recent campaign against alcohol. In fact, some people want more alcohol available at more places, at more times.

Where’s people’s consciences? Just because it makes money doesn’t make it right.

It’s just easier to go downhill, isn’t it?

Bonnie Johnson,

Iola, Kan.

June 25, 2021
March 27, 2020
March 23, 2020
May 6, 2016