Editor’s note: Iolan and dairy farmer Steve Strickler shares a letter he recently wrote to U.S. Sen.-elect Roger Marshall.
This summer, Strickler hosted Marshall during a campaign visit to Iola.
As Strickler tells it, the impetus for his letter came when he was listening to the news about Marshall’s support of President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 Election.
“I got so mad listening … that I just pulled over and wrote this letter on my phone.
“It’s probably something I should throw away, but dammit, those goobers in D.C. really piss me off.”
To wit:
Dear Senator Marshall:
Most Kansans I’ve talked with are embarrassed by your early conduct as our elected Senator.
Your support of the ridiculous election lawsuit against Texas to effectively disenfranchise the legal votes of millions of Americans is simply a continuation of your questionable judgment and fawning support for the worst President in U.S. history!
Honestly, we hoped you had left your barnstorming antics behind at the doors of the House Intelligence Committee.
In my business I sell bulls. If they don’t have two good nuts they are called steers.
Bulls get stuff done; steers just lay around and get fat, occasionally following others to the feed bunk.
I am a Republican, but it looks like GOP “leaders” need to grow a pair! Except for Mitt Romney, no one has shown the balls to call Trump out for being the lying, un-American, loudmouth bully he’s been his entire life. A man that spends more time playing golf (and he even cheats at that) than he does listening to intelligence briefings has no right to call himself “patriotic”!
Quit sucking up to that loser and do what Kansans elected you to do! We have enough brain-washed, Kool-Aid drinking cult members following that moron without electing another one to embarrass our great state.
Oh, how WE ALL long for the good old days of civilized politics and wonderful civil servants like Bob Dole and Nancy Kassebaum…
Not so respectfully,