Letter to the editor – August 22, 2020

To the editor,

I have been a registered Republican since I was 18, and have voted in every election during my life.

Today, I am an unhappy Republican, because my party has abandoned me. They no longer hold the Christian values that I try to live by.

Today, I call my party the party of Greed. The party of Kick the Poor Under the Table. 

When I go into the voting booth, I hold my nose and vote for the one that stinks the least.

If you are an unhappy Republican, maybe you need to pinch your nose as well and vote for the one who is least offensive to you.

I urge you to vote early this year. You can vote in the basement of the courthouse during October, or you can call Sherri Riebel in the county clerk’s office at 365-1407 and ask for a mail-in ballot if it is difficult for you to find time to go to vote. 

Joseph Hess,

Iola, Kan. 
