Letter to the editor — April 4, 2020

Dear editor,

Reading in today’s paper that the closing of a restaurant that has only been open for five months, I surmise that it will not be the only one to close.

Not all small mom-and-pop stores will be able to survive here in Iola. We most likely will lose half our local stores and our workforce will be cut to half with layoffs. 

In last night’s paper I see that this economic downturn won’t deter construction of the new elementary school and maybe they will get a better price because the cost of goods and labor will drop. 

I am all for the schools but wish they would hold off until the economy recovers and our businesses and  citizens can afford it.  

I also think the new school will have too much glass that will only serve as a great pigeon roost and leave custodians scratching their heads how to clean it. (The college custodians have this problem now.)  

Architects have great ideas on what they want something to look like but no common sense on efficiency of the building.

The cost of heating and air with this much glass is going to be astronomical. Do they have a study of what the cost will be?  

Remember, we have to pay this bill for the next 25 years and maintain upkeep of this project. 

I would’ve loved to have seen a single story building with high-efficiency classrooms equipped with the finest equipment for our teaching staff and students. The money saved on a single-story building could increase the salaries of our teachers. Remember we are all in this together, and the future of our town is depending on it.


Gary Hoffmeier,

Iola, Kan.
