To Susan Lynn,
Register editor,
I normally do not get too fired up about things I read in the paper. However, the editorial in last week’s paper that implied weapons on traffic stops is overkill has left me feeling, well, disgusted if I am honest. The bottom line is if you break the law, and are pulled over, pull over. Face your consequences. I guarantee that most police officers do not want to pursue individuals or get to the place where other means may be necessary. Susan you have no right to suggest what is overkill. That is your opinion.
People in general do not want to acknowledge authority. When this happens, and an individual runs, no matter who it is, age, color or gender, the likelihood of escalation is higher. That is a choice made by the individual being pursued.
Let me ask you this Susan, if your grandchild was hit by a speeding motorist, would you still defend the motorist? If your son or daughter was a police officer and was unarmed and shot and killed because a speeding motorist or someone running a stop sign ended up being a fleeing drug dealer, would you still favor the drug dealer?
I’m here to tell you that my husband and son have been in law enforcement. (My son still is.) I worry about him every day. The things that law enforcement officers have to endure in this day and age are scary. People break the law and the police are harassed and criticized for doing their job. They will be the first to require action from, should crimes come to your neighborhood.” Heaven forbid you ever need them. To say they should not be armed is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard from someone that I consider to be a smart, rational woman.
The media is playing into the “poor me” I’m mistreated mentality across this nation. You should be ashamed of yourself for offering such a suggestion about something you have no knowledge about. You feed the frenzy!
Are there “bad” cops, sure. A small percentage but don’t you dare label them all bad. I guarantee you that most are good people wanting to help the community they live in and love. The community that gives no respect.
I want law enforcement officers to know that I support them! Their job is stressful and oftentimes they are underpaid. They put themselves in harm’s way, by choice, to make sure you are safe.
With the sincerest
of conviction!
Teresa Taylor,
Proud mom and friend
to law enforcement,
Iola, Kan.