Letter to the editor


November 22, 2019 - 4:13 PM

Dear editor,

I am praying and working for uniting our country. I want to visit with others who see things as I do, but mostly I want to talk with others who do not see things as I do. I welcome both to search me out for such conversations that will help our country heal. I believe these are chaotic times. It seems black is white and white is black. A poison of lies, fiction, and falsehoods has contaminated the fresh waters of truthfulness, sincerity, accuracy and authenticity within our body politic.

As a youth I was surrounded by cousins, uncles, aunts and my parents who valued a principled life, ethics, truth and character. I wanted to be like them.

Here I am in my ninth decade and I want to do something that will help our country. My roots come from a Hessian soldier in revolutionary times. I observed my family as people of faith. They were patriotic and I am glad for that.

I welcome and I will be glad for those who plan to seek me out. Peace to all my countrymen and my fellow Americans.


John Wesley Skillings,


520 S. Washington,

Iola, Kan.
