Kansas Republicans MIA on infrastructure

The bill brings critical funding for Kansas. Why say no to that? 



November 23, 2021 - 9:53 AM

Photo by Mark Mirko / The Hartford Courant / TNS

The recently signed into law infrastructure package championed by President Joe Biden comes with a hefty price tag. To the tune of $1 trillion-plus.

The package was sent to Biden’s desk without the help of the Republicans in Kansas’ federal delegation. Only Democratic Rep. Sharice Davids lent support.

The Sunflower State Republicans objected mostly on the grounds of the size of the package and the increased spending to the multibillion dollar expansion of the social safety net, which is considered to be the second part of the legislative package.

Sen. Jerry Moran argued the spending wasn’t actually paid for, citing the Congressional Budget Office noted it would add to the deficit.

We’ll concede these are valid concerns. It’s never wrong to carefully consider all the options before taking on debt. But here’s the thing: People are hurting, and our infrastructure desperately needs upgrades. No one would dispute that a lot of these line items are necessary.

Ultimately, we as a nation are never going to fully agree on how to spend money. So compromises were necessary to make it happen.

Something our Kansas delegation should keep in mind is compromise doesn’t mean you get everything you want. Compromise means you give a little and they give a little — and good things happen for Kansans.

Davids seems to get that concept, calling the package “not absolutely perfect, but it is absolutely necessary.”

Under this new law, Kansas will get the following:

• $2.6 billion in highway funding over the next five years.

• Another $40 million to boost the state’s network of charging stations for electric vehicles.

• At least $100 million to improve broadband access in both rural and urban parts of the state.

• $450 million for water infrastructure, including replacing lead pipes and pipe fittings.

• $272 million in funding to improve public transit offerings and a multi-billion investment in Amtrak to clear the agency’s maintenance backlog and expand services, including a potential extension of the Heartland Flyer route from Oklahoma City to Wichita.

These are all great things for our state. Things we really need. Many of these upgrades will help us in our daily lives, such as a quicker commute or a faster and more reliable internet connection. That still helps move Kansas forward.
