Humboldt’s recognition a reflection on Allen County

Humboldt's success comes from the efforts of many, including county contributions to its new grocery store, extending the Prairie Spirit Rail Trail, helping provide public transportation and installing storm shelters.



January 11, 2022 - 9:10 AM

The bandstand in downtown Humboldt is part of its charm. Photo by FLICKR

The city of Humboldt joined an elite group this weekend when it was named one of “52 Places” to visit by The New York Times.

The designation means readers from across the world will become aware of what many of us already know: Humboldt is transforming itself from a sleepy village into a vibrant community.

Though the majority of the locations selected for the Times article are scenic standouts such as remote islands or mountaintops, sites such as Humboldt were chosen because of their endeavors to improve their small corners of the world.

The brief article highlights A Bolder Humboldt and its efforts to “revitalize rural living,” by creating an “affordable oasis of cool surrounded by fields of wheat and soybeans.” 

Humboldt’s Base Camp, outdoor movies on the square and the nearby Prairie Spirit Trail were mentioned as big draws. 

Where Humboldt gains, so do the rest of us. 

We’re all working side by side to make Allen County the best it can be, including directing county funds that helped launch Humboldt’s new grocery store, building storm shelters, revitalizing housing, extending the rail trail network and helping provide public transportation to area industries.

So everyone, take a bow.

— Susan Lynn

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