Brian’s dilemma: Loop-de-loop or grid-like perfection

I married my husband, Brian Wolfe, when I was 50, a perfect age. Old enough to know what’s important in life and young enough to act on it. Fifteen years later, I still marvel our paths crossed.



May 3, 2021 - 8:56 AM

Brian and grandson Lucas. Though he may not realize it, my goal is to get Lucas so enamored with mowing that one day he’ll beg to take over the chore.

If you thought the Humboldt races had come to town Sunday afternoon, that was me operating a gas-powered weed-eater.

I never was able to get the pressure right, going from a slow buzz to whipsawing about like a loose top.

Warning: Never give me a gun with a hair trigger.

Hair clippers also are probably not a good idea. 

Just. A. Little. Bit. More.


Buzz cut.

Susan Lynn, Register editor

I’VE ALWAYS thought my husband, Brian Wolfe, and I have a pretty equal division of labor when it comes to the yard.

He mows and trims. I putter. 

There was a time when I joined in the mowing. I’d take the tractor and he’d zip around on a smaller riding mower. 

Then one day, likely frustrated with my unorthodox method of zig-zagging about, he said he could mow just as fast alone. And afterward, he’d make a point of showing me his lattice-work patterns.

To me, this was definitely a win-win.

And I was none the wiser that everything was not perfect. Which is what can happen when you hang out with someone who doesn’t complain.

Brian is the kind of guy who knows only one speed. Fast. 

It was true, he could mow the lawn as fast as when I was helping.
