Dear Child,
No matter your age, whether you are in grade school, middle or high school, you are loved.
Please listen to the words of the people who care about you. The people who surround you with kindness and care.
Learn to know yourself at a young age. Know and understand who you are. Believe in yourself. Be strong. Know that there is no one like you in this world. There are no thoughts that you have that others have not thought also. Everyone has felt hopeless and helpless and less than. Everyone has felt powerful, invincible and strong. Let no one define you but yourself.
Turn off your phone. Shut down social media. Pay no attention to what others say about you. Know yourself. Words hurt if you let them in. Let the truth about yourself be your armor. Your protection against bullying and abuse.
Know this. In a few short years, though they may seem long right now, you will go out into this world and find that this little speck on the Earth is nothing. We are part of a vast planet that is filled with your people. People with the same quirkiness and weirdness. People with big minds and open hearts who are waiting for you. Who will understand you, love you, and cherish you and what you bring to this world.
Dont give up. Give yourself the chance to go out into the world with all of your talent and glory and shine your light. You will look back at those who took it upon themselves to try and make you feel small and weak and shamed and see them stuck in the same place, living small, tiny lives, while you have the whole world at your feet, waiting for what you have inside of yourself.
Be here for that.
Kindness Matters!