Pope decries child porn


World News

November 14, 2019 - 10:19 AM

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis called today for Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and other tech com- panies to urgently take mea- sures to remove child porn from the web and prevent children from accessing por- nography online.

Francis told a Vatican con- ference of religious leaders and high-tech representatives that it’s no longer acceptable to merely follow the law in monitoring online content,

because technology is fast outpacing regulation.

He said tech and computer software companies should assume a moral responsibil- ity to protect young people from what he said were the ruinous effects of pornogra- phy on their emotional and sexual development.

“There is a need to ensure that investors and managers remain accountable, so that the good of minors and society is not sacrificed to profit,” he said.
