Work will limit traffic access to old 169



February 3, 2016 - 12:00 AM

The northbound lane of old U.S. 169 will be closed for maintenance work on the 36-inch Flanagan South Enbridge pipeline south of Humboldt, Allen County commissioners were told Tuesday.
Mitch Garner, director of Public Works, said Enbridge had made arrangements to have temporary stop lights installed at either end of the southbound lane to accommodate traffic going both ways. He is unsure exactly when the work will begin or how long the lane will be closed.
The pipeline, which runs from Flanagan, Ill., to a huge storage depot at Cushing, Okla., began transporting oil about a year ago. The project covers 1,700 miles and cost $2.3 billion.

COMMISSIONERS, on request of County Counselor Alan Weber, approved hiring Ag Engineering, Uniontown, to test soil that will fill the hole created by removal of the basement of the old Allen County Hospital, as well as compaction during the project. Weber said he was uncertain what cost would be, probably between $2,000 and $5,000.
Commissioner Tom Williams was appointed to a three-year term on the 31st Judicial District Nominating Committee. He replaces David Ensminger, Moran.
County Clerk Sherrie Riebel was asked to give commissioners information about where $20,000 might be found in the budget to help Hope Unlimited meet part of a local match for a $167,607 federal Victims of Crime Acts grant. Michelle Meiwes said two weeks ago she and others at Hope Unlimited were confident they could raise the remainder needed for the local match, $29,000.
