Tom Nevans came with hat in hand to Allen County commissioners Tuesday morning — and left smiling ear to ear.
Nevans outlined plans Veterans Committee members have to redo concrete access in front of the Veterans Wall on the courthouse lawn, as well as replace more than 200 recognition tiles laid out on a small plaza. Many of the tiles are cracked and broken, Nevans said, an outcome he thinks from them being thin and having names deeply inscribed.
They intend to replace all concrete in place since about 1990 and add sidewalks along recently added wings.
“We have $5,000 or so and are getting close to what we need,” Nevans said. A contractor’s estimate soon will give a better reading. “If you could, it would be a big help if the county could remove the concrete and tiles.”
Commissioners approved the request after Mitch Garner, director of Public Works, said the chore was doable for his crew.
Then came Christmas in July for Nevans.
“We could add $2,500 to help out,” Commissioner Tom Williams, a proposal that drew accord from commissioners Jim Talkington and Jerry Daniels.
Sheriff Bryan Murphy, at the meeting for a housekeeping mention, chimed in he would match the commissioners’ generosity with another $2,500 from his department’s discretionary funds. “No tax money,” Murphy said. “It comes from VIN (vehicle identification numbers) inspections we do. We like to use the fund to help out when we can.”
Commissioners recommended Nevans visit with Alana Kinzle, who has proposed and is raising support for a garden area behind the wall where viewers and others may reflect on the poignant meaning of the wall, filled with names of veterans from Allen County.
Nevans embraced the opportunity.
Commissioners also approved expenditure of $1,100.35 for materials to provide two water hydrants on the south lawn of the courthouse. Iola will provide labor for installation.
GARNER told commissioners Kansas Department of Transportation would stand cost of dust abatement material applied to rock roads having more traffic because of the closure of the Central Street viaduct over U.S. 169 east of Humboldt.
A spectacular semi-trailer wreck in June damaged the bridge, leading to it being judged unsafe.
Garner said he was unsure when the state, which is responsible for repairs, would begin work, probably not before fall. A detour hasn’t been designated, Garner added, but he thinks it likely will be along Delaware Road southeast of Humboldt. Delaware is hard-surfaced.