USD 257 meeting delayed until tonight


July 26, 2011 - 12:00 AM

The biweekly USD 257 board meeting was pushed back to tonight at 6:30 in the Iola High School lecture hall.
Superintendent of Schools Brian Pekarek and board members Don Snavely, Darrel Catron and Buck Quincy were at the regularly scheduled meeting Monday night. Because there must be at least four members present to take action and make motions, those present agreed to move the meeting to tonight.
On agenda for tonight’s meeting, the board will discuss whether to declare about 50 USD 257 computers as surplus items. Pekarek hopes to give the surplus computers to at-risk parents. The board will also discuss changes to the annual budget, how to increase free and reduced lunch applications and the possibility of promoting the district with USD 257 signs throughout the area.
