State Treasurer Dennis McKinney paid a visit to Allen County Treasurer Sharon Utley Monday afternoon to bring the county’s unclaimed property list up to date. McKinney said there are 2,716 unclaimed items on the county list with a total value of $599,349.
“This property belongs to those who left it and then forgot about it. They should come and take it back,” he said.
The list is available at A special site for U.S. veterans is at Information can also be had by calling toll-free 1-800-432-0386.
McKinney said the state holds unclaimed items “in perpetuity” but the Legislature is considering a law that would turn money over to the state after a certain number of years. Details have yet to be decided upon, he said.
The law may take only those items with a certain value, he said. “Maybe all items under $100 would be taken. Many are small. Some less than $10,” he said.
While the state has kept all unclaimed property which is turned over to it by banks and other institutions, it does invest the money and use the interest earned, he said.