Truck driver killed, overpass closed following wreck


June 14, 2016 - 12:00 AM

HUMBOLDT — A Nevada, Mo., man was killed in a semi-truck accident east of Humboldt Monday evening.

The Kansas Highway Patrol reported Jayson L. Wessley, 52, Nevada, was southbound on the highway when his truck, a 2007 International, went left of center.

The truck narrowly missed striking a northbound vehicle as it careened into the east ditch, and struck and became wedged in the overpass along Georgia Road. The overpass is one mile east of Humboldt or five miles south of Iola.

The northbound motorist, Craig K. Goodner, 36, Chanute, was able to avoid colliding head-on with Wessley, but struck a post. Goodner was unhurt.

Wessley was declared dead at the scene.

The highway was closed for several hours as crews removed the wreckage. 

The overpass crossing U.S. 169 remains closed. Georgia Road extends east from Central Street in Humboldt and is a major artery for area motorists.

The road will remain closed as engineers inspect the structure to determine the extent of the damage.


