Tears and laughter


Local News

April 15, 2019 - 9:19 AM

Larry Laver?s childhood on a farm prepared him for an active, hardworking lifestyle. He spent his youth running up and down creek beds and helping his neighbors bale hay. He always wanted a horse but didn?t own one until he was an adult, when he sometimes competed in team roping events.

He served as a mechanic in the U.S. Army in Germany during the Vietnam era, then came home to start a family but later got divorced. He worked at Iola?s John Deere dealership for years and owned cattle.

At some point in his early 40s, around the time he remarried, Larry noticed a problem with his leg. Sometimes it gave out on him. As time went by, it got worse and worse. 

He started using a cane, then a walker. Finally, a wheelchair. 

Now, at the age of 74, Larry is almost entirely paralyzed. He has use of only his right arm and hand, and can turn his head just a bit. He can still speak. 

It took doctors years to figure out Larry has Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig?s disease, a rare progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. With ALS, motor neurons die and the brain can no longer control muscle movement, leading the muscles to atrophy. The disease usually strikes between the ages of 40 and 70 and affects about 20,000 Americans at any given time, according to The ALS Association. Military veterans are about twice as likely to be diagnosed with the disease as the general public, but the reason for that is unknown according to the The ALS Association.

Despite his disability, Larry is compelled to remain as active as possible. It?s been about three years since he took up woodworking as a hobby.

?A lot of people want to sit in their house and do nothing. I just can?t do that,? he said. 

Recent creations include a child?s desk, a pet feeder, squirrel feeder, toolboxes and wagons, all of which he?s given to friends and family. 

His biggest fan is his wife of 25 years, Judy.

?I think I?d feel so sorry for myself, but he doesn?t,? Judy said. ?He calls it determination.?

Judy wants this story to be about Larry. The challenges he?s overcome. His determination. 

But you can?t tell Larry?s story without Judy, and their love and devotion to one another.


Larry Laver?s son customized his workbench to better fit a wheelchair. 


YEARS AGO, Judy?s co-worker at Emprise Bank encouraged her to go on a date with Larry.  

?He?s always so dirty,? Judy responded.

?He?s a mechanic. He just came from work,? the co-worker explained.
