Teacher returns to Lincoln



August 24, 2017 - 12:00 AM

In some aspects, Darci Lisher began a new job at Lincoln Elementary this week, but it’s also a homecoming. Lisher taught at Lincoln for eight years before moving to Gardner two years ago. She and her husband, Brett, recently moved to Iola and Darci is back at Lincoln.
“It wasn’t really in our plan (to return to Iola) when this position came open. Everything just fell into place and it was just the right fit and right plan,” Lisher said.
Since leaving, Lincoln has become an attendance center for third- and fourth- graders. She said there were a few adjustments to a new administration two years removed from her original departure.
Lisher said she likes the new group of leaders, adding it has been easier than a first-year teacher entering Lincoln Elementary.
“They’ve been great and it’s a little easier this go-around since this is not my first year and I kind of know the ins and outs,” Lisher said. “They’ve been really helpful with all my questions and things.”
A graduate of Emporia State University, Lisher was raised in Iola and also attended Allen County Community College. She took online courses at Pittsburg State while teaching her first stint at Lincoln Elementary to earn a master’s degree in technology and integration.
Her husband’s work situation took them to Gardner, where she took a year off while expecting a child. Lisher was a substitute teacher during the 2015-2016 academic year at both Gardner and Spring Hill.
Last year, she taught computers to children from kindergarten through second grade in the Paola school district USD 368. She admitted there was a change of pace working with a younger age group of children, but it remained interesting.
“Teaching computers was really different, especially because I’m used to 4th graders,” Lisher said. “It took some time getting used to those little ones and adjusting to that. You definitely have to start at ground zero with them and work your way up.”
Lisher, now a mother of two-year-old Grayson, found the window of opportunity to return to Iola when the teaching position opened and her husband picked up a new job giving him the ability to work from home.
“I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to get to come back and teach the same grade, so that’s really nice,” Lisher said. “Everything is pretty familiar and I feel like I’m back home and back into the swing of things.”
