The deadline to pay the first half of 2010 property and real estate taxes is Monday.
Allen County Treasurer Sharon Utley noted that tax payments mailed must be postmarked no later than Dec. 20 to avoid penalty.
Personal property taxes, for such things as oil and gas and all-terrain vehicles, must be paid in full if the deadline for first-half payment is missed, but half of real estate taxes may be paid after Monday.
Utley also reminded residents that the courthouse would be closed Dec. 24 and 27, after noon on Dec. 30 and all day on Dec. 31. Consequently vehicle owners with last names starting with U, X, Y and Z who are required to renew tags in December should keep those dates in mind.
The courthouse will re-open on Jan. 3. Heavy truck and trailer tags may be renewed Jan. 3 through Feb. 28.