“As a farmer do I enjoy not paying taxes? Yes. Is it fair? No. Brownback’s experiment did not work,” a constituent wrote to Rep. Kent Thompson.
About two weeks ago Thompson, who represents Iola, Chanute and adjoining areas in the Kansas House, mailed surveys to constituents. Within a week 150 had been returned.
Tabulations made clear respondents are against the recent sales tax increase.
They also are against Gov. Sam Brownback’s income tax cuts, voted in 2012 on the rationale they would trigger investment by the wealthy and be a boon to the state economy.
State revenue paints a stark contrast to Brownback’s economic development projections. So far, revenue is down $170 million for fiscal year 2016 — even with a recent “bump” in November receipts.
To deal with the shortfall, $124 million in budget “adjustments” have been ordered so the state may continue to keep its doors open.
“I don’t know where it’s going,” Thompson said, of the persistent shortfalls. “Frankly, I don’t intend to start looking closely at the budget until shortly before the session starts on Jan. 11,” when more immediate numbers will be on hand.
Then, he and other legislators — unless some extraordinary recovery occurs — will be faced with the same distressing fiscal problems of last session.
WHILE admitting the survey was not a scientific sampling, Thompson thinks it gives a good reading of what most think.
As for issues, most mentioned were education, taxes and budget, transportation and the judicial system, all of which prominently will be on the table when legislators reconvene.
Respondents also were asked to rate the performance of lawmakers. As governor, Brownback got a solid F.
The Legislature as a whole fared little better, receiving a preponderance of D’s and F’s. The courts, which have been a burr under the saddle of Brownback and many legislators because of education funding, drew a B grade. Thompson’s ratings were mixed with a fairly equal numbers of A’s, B’s and C’s.
Some other survey comments:
— With Brownback the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
— Income tax should be discontinued.
— The young people in our schools are the only untapped natural resource we have left in Kansas. We are not supporting them.
— Business lives by modern transportation, so good, safe roads are essential.
— Don’t understand why the Govenor does not endorse Medicaid expansion. Hospitals are in need.
— Do not borrow money from the highway fund. When I pay the gas tax, I expect it to be used for maintaining and building new roads.
— Give teachers tenure, let unions have bargaining power, stand up to Brownback. Tax the rich and big corporations, encourage sun and wind energy.
— We must protect the checks and balances of three separate and equal branches of government.
— My concern is for those already on welfare for years that can’t find any kind of work. Have we enabled them to expect too much?
— Pay less attention to the media.