Students get free meals

USDA offers funding to pay for school breakfasts, lunches until December.



September 4, 2020 - 3:13 PM

Angela Petty, with USD 257 food service, prepares a sack lunch in mid-June. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

Students in all area school districts will get free meals for the next few months, thanks to the USDA. 

All students, regardless of family income, will be eligible for free breakfast and free lunch each school day until money provided by the USDA runs out. That’s expected to happen sometime in December. 

Once funding runs out, the districts will revert back to normal meal procedures. 

The free meals are actually an extension of the Summer Food Service Program offered by the USDA. It began Friday.

Families do not need to apply for the free meals. Any money already applied to student accounts will be held for use when the program ends.

For more information, contact your respective school district.

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