LONE JACK, Missouri — Auctioneer Dirk Soulis opened bidding on a 1929 oil landscape painting by the late Kansas artist Birger Sandzén at a modest $40,000.
Within 45 seconds, bidding surged past $100,000.
“Thank you,” Soulis said while bidders studied the 30-inch by 40-inch treasure of intense color comprised of brushstrokes that left the impression of being chiseled onto canvas. “We have $100,000, asking $110,000. Now, $120,000? Now, $130,000? Thank you. Now, $140,000? Thank you. Do I hear $150,000? Now, $160,000? Asking $170,000. Going once. Asking $170,000. Going twice. Sold, $160,000.”
The “Golden Aspens” painting that blended sky, tree, land and water imagery came from the two-decade sweet spot of Sandzén’s career. It was item No. 18 at Saturday’s auction of regional fine art orchestrated by Soulis Auctions in Lone Jack. This example of work by the artistic icon of Lindsborg — a vast collection of his work can be seen there at the Sandzén Memorial Gallery — was owned by the Salina Public Library.
The revelation about the painting’s owner, at least to folks far removed from Salina, was surpassed only by the fact the library possessed and decided to auction a second Sandzén painting.
The 1921 “Smoky River” oil painting, also signed by Sweden-born Sandzén, exposed contrasts of light and shadow and pulled the eye through trees to that Kansas river bank. It had been purchased directly from the artist in 1921 for the library. The initial installment payment was $50.
“All right, $50,000?” Soulis said for benefit of in-person, online and telephone bidders. “Asking $60,000, $70,000, $80,000. Now, $90,000? Thank you. $100,000? $110,000? Thank you. $120,000? Thank you. Do I hear $130,000? All done? The large, early oil-on-canvas here. A really nice piece. $130,000? Going once, $130,000 twice? Sold, $120,000. Thank you.”
And it was done, much to the consternation of some Salina residents. In days leading to the auction, there was a fierce debate in Saline County about the decision to put the Sandzén paintings up for sale. Community angst was directed at the library’s volunteer board. Artistic appreciation for the valuable paintings was never in doubt, but the library’s decision to surrender the artwork after more than a century of ownership spurred dissent.
A unanimous vote
The Salina Public Library board, led by president Brendan Burke, issued a statement prior to the auction in response to the outcry. The board argued their responsibility was to serve comprehensive interests of the community while making the best use of limited tax funding.
“The library is not equipped to maintain fine art,” the board said. “SPL already needed to restore one of the paintings in our possession. Realizing that the paintings would continue to deteriorate in our care, we considered the options and consulted with the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery regarding our questions.”
Potential sale of the paintings was discussed at library board meetings in May and June, but no member of the public offered comment at that time.
Board treasurer Helen Gregg made the motion to sell both paintings. It was seconded by board member Crystal Stuart. The board voted unanimously to make the sale through a well-regarded auction house recommended by the Sandzén gallery.
“Despite what many have stated, this decision was made months ago and with full information on the decision being made available to the public,” the board said. “SPL understands that this decision is not something everyone supports. However, many others support this decision.”
Sandzén, who died in 1954, taught art and languages at Bethany College in Lindsborg for half a century. He was a printmaker and watercolorist, but completed an astonishing 2,890 oil paintings. His subject matter often came from Smoky Hill River Valley in central Kansas.
‘Callous, tone deaf’
Sarah Withanh, who was among those condemning auction of the Sandzén paintings, said the library board’s response to public skepticism was “callous and tone deaf.” She said the board owed the public transparency, but some board members became “evasive and condescending” when questioned.