New license plate reveals simpler look

A no-frills display makes it easier for law enforcement to read. Gov. Kelly says the new look still promotes state's 'to-the stars' optimism


State News

November 22, 2023 - 6:16 PM

Kansas' new license plate beginning 2024

TOPEKA — A Kansas license plate with dark text on a blazing yellow background will replace in 2024 the peeling raised-letter tags that years ago became an impediment to law enforcement officers trying to quickly identify vehicles.

“Many of the embossed plates out on the road have become difficult to read due to significant deterioration,” said David Harper, director of the vehicle division at the Kansas Department of Revenue. “Replacing these plates will not only help law enforcement, but ensure that drivers can be easily identified in case of emergency.”

The existing Ad Astra plate, anchored by the state seal with a light blue background, was released in 2008 under Gov. Sam Brownback.

Five years ago, the state began transitioning to digital production with a process that printed flat plates when ordered. However, embossed or raised-letter plates have remained on the road far beyond their anticipated life cycle. Embossed plates lose half of their reflectivity after five years, making them especially difficult to read at night.

The state’s plan for withdrawing an undetermined number of remaining embossed tags would coincide with the standard registration renewal schedule for vehicle owners.

The 2023 Legislature earmarked $10 million in federal funding to the project in addition to collection of the normal 50 cent fee assessed by the state for people acquiring a new plate.

Gov. Laura Kelly said the design overhaul, including the text “to the stars,” was a reference to the state motto, “ad astra per aspera.” It’s a Latin phrase intended to inspire people to reach for the stars through hardship.

“The new license plate design promotes the state and our sense of optimism as Kansans travel near and far,” the governor said. “It serves as a reminder that there are endless possibilities and that we should always reach for the stars.”

Bridgette Jobe, director of tourism in Kansas, said the phrase “to the stars” served as a proclamation that Kansas had an “optimistic and forward-looking spirit.”

The state Department of Revenue said vehicle owners with embossed plates who updated their registration in January and February would get a replacement with the current design on flat, print-on-demand plates.

The agency said vehicle owners with embossed tags who updated registrations from March to December would receive the new design on flat, print-on-demand plates. The revenue department said owners displaying all other printed plates would continue with the current design.

Information regarding the replacement process would be included in regular renewal notices sent by mail, officials said. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at

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