Neosho County sheriff wants county attorney investigated

Neosho County Sheriff Greg Taylor wants the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to look into Neosho County Attorney Linus Thurston for suspected "criminal activity."

State News

April 20, 2022 - 3:30 PM

CHANUTE — Neosho County Sheriff Greg Taylor has requested the state investigate Neosho County Attorney Linus Thuston for suspected “criminal activity,’” the Chanute Tribune reported.

Taylor did not spell out specifics, telling the newspaper only that he turned over documents to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation in November.

“They were cases that I feel there was probable cause of criminal activity that he’s committed,” Taylor told the Tribune. 

“These are some (alleged) criminal acts that, based off my 20-some years of experience in law enforcement, I think there’s probable cause for.”

The newspaper reported on one instance in which misdealings may have occurred, stemming from a 2014 case entailing a charge of indecent liberties with a child that concluded with a diversion agreement. 

One of the co-defendants in the case had been recommended by Thuston for a job as a county jailer, the Tribune reported.

Thuston, in response, denied any allegations of wrongdoing.

“It’s very easy from a distance to make a lot of assumptions and a lot of statements,” Thuston told the Tribuine, “especially if you don’t converse with the prosecutor’s office.”

Taylor opted to recuse himself from any kind of investigation into Thuston because of the working relationship between the Sheriff’s Department and county attorney’s office, the paper reported.

He knew of no timeline to when the KBI investigation would be complete.

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