Elderly couple die in house fire
EMPORIA — An elderly couple killed in a Sept. 22 house fire has been identified.
The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office identified Lee Roy Phillips, 88, and Mary Ann Phillips, 85, as the victims when their home burned.
The house about two miles northwest of Emporia, was fully engulfed in flames and had collapsed by the time firefighters arrived in the pre-dawn hours of Sept. 22, the Emporia Gazette reported.
Firefighting efforts also were hampered by a severe storm that hit the area that morning as well. Crews had to seek shelter briefly during the call, the newspaper reported.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
CHC transportation program takes off in Bourbon County
FORT SCOTT — The Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas is offering a transportation program in Bourbon County.
Since August, CHC has offered CareVan, with funding from the Kansas Department of Transportationn’s Public Transit Program and the Federal Transit Administration, fortscott.biz reported.
The service is available free of charge to anyone in Bourbon County on a first-come, first-serve basis. Transportation hours are 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
“Riders can go anywhere in the county. This is not a CHC-only service,” program director Dee Yount said.
Same-day appointments are accepted as well. For more informatio, call (833) 228-7433.
Tech lab teaches skills to kids
HUTCHINSON — The Boys & Girls Clubs of Hutchinson launched its new Cox Innovation Lab Tuesday, providing children with access to technology with a focus on robotics and digital media.
The lab includes computers, furniture, robotics learning, media-making equipment, Wi-Fi and internet services provided by Cox, The Hutchinson news reported.