Area news — Aug. 17

State News

August 16, 2019 - 3:57 PM

Opponents of wind farm raise money for group’s lawsuit

ERIE — Supporters of a lawsuit against a Neosho County wind farm project are raising money to continue a fight that likely will take months, The Chanute Tribune reported. A group of 45 landowners filed suit against the Neosho Ridge Wind LLC in July in Neosho County District Court, seeking an injunction against the project and arguing the wind farm will be a nuisance and annoyance that interferes with their ability to use and enjoy their property. Opponents of the wind farm project gathered in Erie Saturday to raise money to pay legal costs. They also received an update on proceedings, and heard the lawsuit is in the discovery phase, a fact-finding period that could take months. 


Roundabout planned for 

deadly intersection

PARSONS — A single-lane roundabout will be constructed at the junction of U.S. 59 and U.S. 160 east of Altamont, the Parsons Sun reported. LaForge and Budd Construction Co. Inc. won the bid for the project at $3.083 million. The Kansas Department of Transportation studied the intersection in 2015 to determine what could be done to improve safety. Southbound and northbound vehicles now stop and east- and westbound vehicles do not. The intersection had 59 accidents between 2000 to 2015, with one fatality and 27 injuries.


School budget to raise $4.4M in taxes

GARNETT — Anderson County’s USD 365 will raise $4.4 million in local taxes to help fund its $16.9 million budget, according to The Anderson County Review. That’s about $156,000 more in local taxes than last year, with the mill levy virtually unchanged at 53.261 compared to 53.289. The county’s valuation increased from $82.8 million last year to $85.9 million this year. 


Volunteers work on museum

CHERRYVALE — Volunteer efforts restored a museum at Cherryvale that previously held Bell Telephone offices, The Parsons Sun reported. Textron Aviation employees and interns scraped and painted the brick exterior, likely originally supplied by one of the town’s six brickyards. 
