Iola’s Community Pantry offers more than just food, the Rev. Phil Honeycutt said.
That’s because, more often than not, the people who rely on the Pantry’s services are more than just hungry during the holidays.
While the Pantry’s focal point is serving destitute families, Honeycutt also recognizes those without families often are afflicted by loneliness as much as hunger.
“We have people who want to be loved; who want to be accepted,” Honeycutt said. “We have people wanting to be a part of a family.
“We don’t want to see anybody left out,” he said.
The Community Pantry is certain to be abuzz with activity Thursday and again next Tuesday as those in need seek assistance for Thanksgiving and beyond, Honeycutt said.
“We’re not going to restrict how people want to give,” he said. “Somebody may contribute monetarily. Others may bring in canned food, or a chicken or a turkey. We thank God we have a community so willing to give.”
IOLA HIGH School students have gotten into the act with a weeklong food drive that ends Friday.
Classrooms in the school have designated drop-off locations for the students to fill.
By the end of the week, the classroom that brings in the most donations will get to celebrate next Tuesday with a movie party during their regular seminar (study hall) period.
The drive is sponsored by the high school’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America chapter.
SPIRIT OF PINK is sponsoring a scavenger hunt on Saturday evening, also to benefit the Community Pantry.
Hunters will be armed with “shopping lists” in search of basic Thanksgiving necessities, including stuffing, a bag or box of potatoes, two cans of vegetables (any variety), cranberry sauce, a can of yams, cake mix and Jell-O.
The excursion kicks off at 6 o’clock at the home of Laura Sellman, 422 E. Madison Ave. Lists will be given to all who show up for the two-hour hunt.
For the centerpiece — a turkey — participants are seeking monetary donations.
Those wishing to donate financially — or to ensure their residence is visited for the scavenger hunt — can contact Billie Collins at (913) 683-5132. Those who know of families in need are encouraged to call as well.