Southwind team wins state 4-H livestock sweepstakes

4-H members from the Southwind Extension District brought home the Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes championship Saturday and Sunday.



August 25, 2020 - 10:20 AM

4-H members from the Southwind Extension District brought home the Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes championship Saturday and Sunday.

These events were like nothing the teams had competed in before because normally, the teams would have been in Kansas State University’s Weber Hall.

Due to COVID-19 all contests were held virtually. 

Representing the Southwind Extension District in Allen, Neosho, Bourbon and Woodson counties were Sadie Marchiano, Clay Brillhart, Brody Nemecek, Carly Dreher, Aidan Yoho, Emery Yoho, Kristy Beene, Gwen Fry, Byron Fry, Taylor Elsworth, Leah Mueller, Trey Sommer and Haleigh O’Brien. 

Winning the Sweepstakes required the squad to excel in four separate contests.

Two Southwind 4-H’ers, Sadie Marchiano and Aidan Yoho, took third and fourth overall, repsectively.

The Livestock Quiz Bowl started with a qualifying exam. 

The eight teams with the highest average scores advanced to the quiz bowl competition. Southwind No. 1 (Dreher, G. Fry, Sommers, O’Brien) was seeded third after the test, and was awarded Reserve Champion Quiz Bowl Team. Southwind No. 2 (Nemecek, Brillhart, A. Yoho, Marchiano) was seeded first after the test and placed third overall.  

THE LIVESTOCK Judging contest consisted of seven judging classes, three questions classes and then two sets of reasons that were presented live to officials via Zoom. 

Out of 163 contestants and 37 teams from across Kansas who judged livestock by online video, Southwind No. 2 (A. Yoho, Dreher, Marchiano, Beene) was third in Swine; fourth in Sheep/Goats; Reserve Team Reasons; Reserve Team Cattle and third overall. Southwind No. 3 (B. Fry, O’Brien, E. Yoho, Elsworth) was 10th overall, and Southwind No. 1 (Sommers, G. Fry, Mueller) was 11th Team Overall. 

Individual livestock judging results are as follows:  

Emery Yoho – 10th Swine 

Aidan Yoho – seventh Swine 

Carly Dreher – ninth Reasons 

Sadie Marchiano – second Reasons; second Cattle; second Sheep/Goats; sixth High Individual Overall. 

THE MEATS Judging contest was based on identification of 30 retail cuts, six placings classes and two sets of questions. Southwind No. 2 (Brillhart, Nemecek, A. Yoho, Marchiano) was first in Retail ID; fourth in Placings; fifth in Questions; and Reserve Champion Team Overall. Individual meats judging results are as follows:  

Clay Brillhart – first Retail ID; third High Individual 

Sadie Marchiano – fifth Placings; ninth Questions 

September 3, 2021
August 27, 2019
January 17, 2019
August 23, 2018