Shopping season blooms at Sophisticated Rose



November 19, 2010 - 12:00 AM

While many don’t get down to their serious Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving, Jan Knewtson once again can count on her customers at Sophisticated Rose to get an early jump.

“I’m already very pleased with how things are going,” Knewtson said, noting customers have been purchasing Christmas gifts at her shop at 19 S. Jefferson Ave. since mid-October.

That’s nothing new. Knewtson typically plans for Christmas before most leaves have started to change color for autumn.

Sophisticated Rose offers accessories galore, with jewelry, handbags and other gifts, as well as winter wear such as jackets and scarves. 

Two added attractions, Knewtson’s bargain room and her baby department, have drawn in more customers as well.

The bargain room is filled with discounted items on sale for 50 percent of their original price.

The baby wall has an assortment of gift ideas for infants through toddlers.

Even more customers make their way into the store just to see Knewtson’s elegant merchandise displays.

“To be honest, I’ve been quite pleased with business all year, not just for Christmas,” Knewtson said.

Knewtson plans to stay ahead of the game as soon as Christmas passes as well.

That’s about the time her spring merchandise hits the shelves. She also hopes to expand her bridal registry selections in plenty of time for spring.


KNEWTSON opened Sophisticated Rose in 1994 in the same location as her former shop, Bridal Boutique, which she operated for 12 years.

She is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 9:30 to 3 Saturdays.
