Senior thrift shop gives back


Local News

March 6, 2019 - 10:57 AM

If you’ve ever purchased an item of clothing or piece of furniture from the Iola Senior Citizens thrift shop and wondered whatever came of your two bucks — well, wonder no more, and be cheered by the fact that it went toward a good cause.

According to ISC Inc. president Joyce Adair, last year the thrift shop at 223 N. State St. brought in nearly $20,000. True to the organization’s founding mission, that money — up nearly $4,000 from last year — has already been returned to the community in the form of charitable donations. Adair, who appeared Tuesday morning before Allen County commissioners, listed the many local beneficiaries of ISC’s aid for 2018: the Church Utility Relief Board (CURB) received $3,000; Allen County Hospice Care, $2,500; Hope Unlimited, $2,000; CASA, $1,500; the Pregnancy Resource Center, Jefferson Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Crossroads Learning Center, and the Iola Recreation Department received $1,000 respectively; and the Iola Food Pantry, Allen County Drug Court, Iola Area Ministerial Association, Humanity House Community Garden, the Iola Public Library, Allen County Regional Hospital’s oncology unit, Crime Stoppers, Adopt-A-Child, and Project Care each received $500. 

“If there is anyone that you can think of that is not on that list,” said Adair earnestly, “please let us know. We always want to help people out.”

“It’s just amazing what you give to this community,” said Commissioner Bruce Symes.  

Adair thanked the commission for the assistance it has provided the center over the years. “You know,” she said, “I don’t think, for our little store, for the prices we charge, that we’ve done all that bad.”

— Allen County recently solicited bids for cropland and hay ground adjacent to the airport. Eight residents submitted bids. The high bidder on the tillable land was Sam Hayes. Gene Meiwes put in the winning bid on the hay ground. The terms of the deal indicate a five-year, cash-rent lease with an automatic renewal.

— Commissioners voted to allow Allen County employees the option of a KPERS 457 Roth retirement account. A KPRS 457 representative will be made available to any county employee who wants to learn more about what this new feature entails.



July 25, 2019
July 3, 2019
October 12, 2018
April 15, 2016