Scouts pack meals for Hope


November 22, 2010 - 12:00 AM

 Project serves 22 families for holiday

Iola’s Quivira Council Cub Scout Pack 55 prepared “ready to heat” meals for residents of Hope Unlimited’s safe house Saturday at Calvary United Methodist Church. Scout families prepared three turkeys, untold pumpkin pies, stuffing, apple cobbler, banana bread and a wealth of other treats for at least 22 families served by the non-profit. Hope Unlimited helps women and children in abusive situations find assistance and a safe retreat from daily fear.

“‘Scouting for Food’ is an annual initiative of the Boy Scouts of America and this is the way we’ve addressed it,” said Scout Leader Andy Dunlap. In the past, Dunlap said, the troop has collected canned goods for the Community Food Pantry. “But a lot of groups do that this time of year,” Dunlap said. 

After reading about Hope Unlimited and its needs in a Register article, the troop decided to prepare the Thanksgiving meals for the families in need, he said.

“All the food will go to the safe house,” Dunlap noted. “I’m sure they’ll have leftovers.”

Included in the cornucopia were almost 8 dozen homemade crescent rolls provided by “the special education staff at Jefferson Elementary School,” Dunlap said.

Troop leaders spent two hours packaging the food in to-go containers Saturday afternoon. Families would then be able to eat the meals at a time that worked best for them, Dunlap said.
