School buses to get security



January 28, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Iola school buses will receive a security upgrade. Monday night USD 257 board of education members heard bids for adding security cameras in all of the district buses.
Scott Stanley, director of operations, said adding cameras would benefit the district. Multi-camera systems would have a technology upgrade. It would be easier to review the tapes if needed and it would come with GPS.
Board members agreed that all the buses should have cameras but the question is when they should be installed.
“There’s been buses without cameras for years but that doesn’t mean something couldn’t happen tomorrow,” Stanley said.
The members decided to purchase and install three systems for buses this year. Each bus will have four cameras. During the summer the rest of the buses will be equipped. It will cost $12,713 to equip the 10 school buses with this technology for the first year.
At Jefferson Elementary the asphalt near the dumpster has continually been torn up by a trash truck. When the truck backs into the space it has to turn multiple times to get back on the road. Stanley suggested replacing the asphalt with concrete at the last board meeting but the prices were an issue. He returned Monday with a smaller project.
The asphalt will be torn out and concrete will be replaced in the area removed as well as new sidewalks. There will be a new section of concrete off to the side to allow better access for the trash truck to try to avoid future issues. The project was approved for $12,600.
Jack Stanley, middle school principal, updated the board on the ACT Explore results. Eighth grade students took the test on the last day of school before winter break. Students scored higher than the national level in all subjects: English, math, reading and science.
The board members accepted the resignations of Carman Shafer, a cook, and Sherman Ashmore, assistant baseball coach. Joe Turner was hired as the boys tennis coach and Rebecca Cochran and Theodore Clous were hired as paras.
The next board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 10 at the Board of Education district office.

January 29, 2013
September 11, 2012
August 9, 2012
July 2, 2012