Tracy Keagle is in the giving spirit once again.
She’s hopeful others are, too.
Keagle is opening a Santa’s Toy Shop at 7 E. Madison in the days leading up to Christmas.
The premise is simple.
Any child, regardless of need, is given a free toy from the shop. All they have to do is stop by Dec. 18-20.
To ensure she has enough toys to meet demand, Keagle is accepting donations of all sorts of toys, new or used, provided they’re in good shape.
“If they’re new, we’re just going to open them anyway, so that we can set them out,” Keagle said.
Keagle will clean any used toys donated for the effort.
Donations can be dropped off at Keagle’s home at 410 E. Madison Ave. Donors in Chanute can take the toys to Spirit Aerosystems, 615 W. Cherry St. Meanwhile, Humboldt residents can hand toys off to USD 258 school nurse Wendy Froggatte.
“See, you don’t even have to come to town to donate,” Keagle said with a laugh.
Others can arrange for donations to be picked